As the founder and creator of I Kicked Sugar my mission is to help educate and inspire people to reclaim their health and happiness. Serving my community is part of that mission.
How do I do it? Whether it’s being a guest on the news, spreading my message through print media, tabling or speaking I proudly work with partners, organizations and companies to spread the message of the detriments of excessive sugar on our physical and mental health and how to live a sugar-free life.
This month, I was invited into SRP (Salt River Project) Electric Company, by their Healthy Living Coordinator, Amy Friend. This group is part of the Working Families Employee Interest Group within the company, whose goal is supporting work/life balance.

With a just a little over 100 employees who registered the room was packed. As a special perk for all the attendees I partnered with the brands ChocZero and Lily’s Sweets to spread the message of just how sweet a sugar-free life can be! Each company generously donated their products to complement the I Kicked Sugar swag I had put together.

As the creator of the I Kicked Sugar Course, I envision a world where every person has access to real, whole, nutrient-rich foods. Where people learn to listen to what their bodies truly crave and make food choices that nourish their bodies and minds, kicking sugar out of their life for good.

I’m holding hands with big partners and using the voice of our brands to
educate and inspire, spreading our message of how a sugar-free life is really sweeter!
ChocZero was the main Sponsor for our swag bags, who generously donated a bag of their dark chocolate chips to each attendee. Together we created a truly scrumptious recipe for all to enjoy!

Meet Choc-Zero “They’re a gluten free, soy free, and sugar alcohol free company. They use their exclusive monk fruit formula to make a line of products with absolutely no added sugar for the everyday sugar-free individual's life. Above all, however, they taste delicious! Their ethically sourced cocoa beans are some of South America's finest; They use real Madagascar vanilla beans; and use only the most premium of GMO free soluble corn fiber.
Every ingredient in their products is chosen with your taste buds in mind. They believe the path to the future is paved with healthier foods that taste great as well.”
Check out ChocZero HERE >> https://www.choczero.com/
Get 10% OFF Your Order >> Use Coupon Code: IKICKEDSUGAR
By far my fav is their Dark Chocolate Peppermint Keto Bark
(It's seasonal so get it while supplies last! )

We also had the fortune to partner with Lily's Sweets. Lily's was the first Company I discovered when I kicked sugar over four years ago. It was their tasty treats that made my journey sweeter.

“Meet Lily’s, delicious, no-sugar-added chocolate that delivers the goods. It’s the kind of chocolate so good that people obsess over it – and we’re talking fitness-loving, healthy-eating, overly-critical-Yelp-review-writing people. It's great tasting, better-for-you chocolate that you’ll love.”
Check Out Lily's Sweet's HERE >> https://lilys.com/
